Ramadan Mubarak to all!
I would like to wish one and all Ramadan Mubarak, wishing that this year, fasting won’t be too difficult. Regardless, its mandatory and should be taken as both a form of health and spiritual cleansing.
I would like to wish one and all Ramadan Mubarak, wishing that this year, fasting won’t be too difficult. Regardless, its mandatory and should be taken as both a form of health and spiritual cleansing.
Singtel is giving away 8 Tickets to the Formula One™ race with chauffeured limo ride, 8 LG handsets and 8 Free Exclusive Passes to Zouk’s Formula One™ week special parties to 1 super-friendly person!
TAC 2009 is coming up on the 14th and 15th of September. This year though we wont be seeing Lee Brimelow, we will be hearing speakers such as Peter Elst, Andre Michelle, Marco Casario. Its going to be during the fasting month of Ramadan though, but I’m sure it will be cool.
Alrite here is the site you should visit for more information : www.tac.sg
Hello people, I would really appreciate it if you could click through this link and click on like as the person with the most votes can win a trip to Switzerland.
People who vote for me will be rewarded too 🙂
Hello everyone, Its time to talk about and its API, how to use it and things associated with it. This is going to be the first of a series of blogs of how to use flickr and its API. In this first post, we are going to talk about the API Key and its uses. …
Hello, today I was wondering what the super keyword in AS3 did while they were used in classes. Initially it seemed like it was the constructor for the base class. However after exploring a bit deeper, I realised that there was more to super than it seemed. So here is a scenario. ChildClass.as extends ParentClass.as …
After the tiring morning at Bedok Reservoir Park with the CC and some ministers, there was another Community Center event. This time it was at the center itself. FRUIT FEST! This is when residents of Joo Chiat get free flow of tropical fruits to eat to their hearts content. All for free. That’s right, we had durians, lychees, rambutans, pears, bananas, mangosteens and a whole lot more for FREE. Only catch, no taking home and you must eat what you ask for. Residents, volunteers and the minister guest of honour, Mr Chan Soo Sen, were all elated and I guess you guys must be wondering what it was like so here are some pics.
Today my father and I woke up early to be at Bedok Reservoir Park at 6am to volunteer for the Sports day carnival organised by the CC, too tired to write the rest of the blog now, but feel free to see the pics.
Hey guys,
my colleague at work just showed me this really really massively long video at youtube with excellent quality video. The only thing I think that makes the video seem bad is the fact that it is jerky after every few moments. But I’m telling you the download is really worth it.
Watch it here below in a lower quality or go to the real deal HD version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU
Fast Tube by Casper
It’s about the Saving Gaia kind of thing that people are so into these days. Its not that I am not personally into it. I just feel that talk is cheap. People should actually start doing things before they start talking about it. There are people who are really starting to take action against pollution and take the effort to drive things towards the green way. Like for example the link below :
Well there are many instances when we need to pass flashVars from the html to a preloader and then on to a loaded movieClip. This is how I’ve done it. HTML — <param name=”FlashVars” value=”baseURL=http://www.sowebme.com/murtaza” /> For AC_RunActiveContent.js users, There should be 3 instances where you would place this For swfObject users, there will be …